- Standards
- Lesson Plans
- Assessment
Standards of instruction have been developed by state panels and national organizations which identify and define levels of understanding and outcome, serving as the basis for curriculum design and informing lesson plans and assessment.
State Standards for K-12
In 1996, the State Board of Education for Ohio adopted the Model Competency-Based Arts Program. The Academic Content Standards for dance as contained in the Comprehensive Arts Education Curriculum are available on the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) website. The ODE website also offers the Instructional Management System (IMS), electronic access to the Standards, Benchmarks, Indicators and Lesson Plans for Dance Education. The standards are available for downloading as both PDF and MSWord Document files.
- Ohio Department of Education (ODE)
- ODE Fine Arts Contact Information
- Ohio’s Learning Standards
- Learning Management System for Ohio Education
National Standards for Arts Education
“Developed by the Consortium of National Arts Education Associations (National Dance Association, National Art Education Association, Music Educators National Conference, American Alliance for Theatre & Education) under the guidance of the National Committee for Standards in the Arts, the National Standards for Arts Education is a document which outlines basic arts learning outcomes integral to the comprehensive K-12 education of every American student. This site contains full text of the standards and a searchable database.”
The standards were created under the auspices of the National Arts and Education Network (ArtsEdge) to support the placement of the arts at the center of the curriculum and advocates creative use of technology to enhance the K-12 educational experience. ArtsEdge is a program of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and a partner of MarcoPolo, “a consortium that offers free, standards-based, discipline-specific educational Web sites for K-12 teachers and students.”
ArtsEdge came into existence as a collaborative effort of the National Endowment for the Arts and the United States Department of Education to support “the placement of the arts at the center of the curriculum” and to advocate “creative use of technology to enhance the K-12 educational experience.” “MarcoPolo: Internet Content for the Classroom is a nonprofit consortium of premier national and international education organizations and the Verizon Foundation dedicated to providing the highest quality Internet content and professional development to teachers and students throughout the United States.” It features lesson plans and Professional Development trainning designed to facilitate the integration of internet resources into the classroom.
Interstate New Teachers Assessment and Support Consortium
“The Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) is a consortium of state education agencies and national educational organizations dedicated to the reform of the preparation, licensing, and on-going professional development of teachers.” It is a project of the Council of Chief State School Officials (CCSSO), which offers 23 arts education related publications at its site. INTASC developed national standards for arts education. Its Model Standards for Licensing Classroom Teachers and Specialist in the Arts: A Resource for State Dialogue is available for downloading.
Arts Education Assessment Consortium is part of the State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS), which is a project of the CCSSO. “SCASS ARTS is the only state-based, nationally focused group addressing the development and refinement of arts education assessment materials for large-scale, district-level, and classroom-based assessment and professional development connected to the National Standards in Arts Education.”
- Council of Chief State School Officials (CCSSO)
- The Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC)
- Model Standards for Licensing Classroom Teachers and Specialist in the Arts: A Resource for State Dialogue
- Arts Education Partnership
- State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS)